About Us
The MP tracker resource is currently being developed by the UK Youth Climate Coalition to provide a tool for community engagement with elected officials and their climate record.
We have compiled a public facing database of past key votes or commitments which MPs have made in relation to climate change.
This project is currently in an open development phase. As a result we cannot for certain confirm the accuracy of all information. We'd love to hear suggestions of other criteria we can add to the database, improvements to the site, or anything else inbetween.
Our Methodology

This resource has been developed by a team of volunteer youth involved with the UK Youth Climate Coalition. Many of us were entirely new to the archaic ways of the UK Parliament, and its many obscure rules and procedures. As a result we self taught and developed our approach to this project through group consensus. We think it is only fair to explain how and why we have focused on the information present on this site.
In deciding which votes to highlight from MPs we focused on clear examples of where MPs had the opportunity to support and increase the UK's capacity to confront the climate crisis. This might be through opposing expanding fracking in the UK, supporting divestment, or supporting renewable energy targets. We also looked into signed letters, as well as campaigns like Divest Parliament. Many votes around the environment are decided on purely party lines or due to the measures being packaged alongside them. The aim here is to account for situations where MP climate commitments were directly and clearly demonstrated.
We will constantly update with relevant information when it becomes available. We'd love to hear your feedback about what other votes we can include here.
We got our records of how MPs have engaged from a mixture of web resources, particularly TheyWorkForYou and Hansard. Human error is still an element, if you spot an error do not hesitate to flag it and we will rectify it ASAP.
The UK Youth Climate Coalition does not endorse individual MPs, nor does it support particular parties. Our focus here is to demand greater engagement with the climate crisis from elected officials, through the highlighting of the records of power holders in the UK's system of government.
This website is a work in progress and we would welcome any feedback from individuals or groups about how to develop/improve the site.
A number of planned developments are in the work:
A map function.
Greater coverage of Early Day Motions. (EDMs).
Inclusion of information about climate scepticism links.
Individual information about what constituency groups people can get involved into to pressure their MP.
Templates for emailing MPs and other resources to increase community-MP climate engagement.
Resources relating to the climate policies of parties.
Our team are all unpaid part time volunteers between the age of 18-29, as a result we cannot set a concrete timeframe for these developments, but we would welcome solidarity and support from individuals and groups who wish to hold MPs to account on the issue of the climate crisis.